Saturday, February 11, 2012

ParaNorman Director

 The hit stop motion film Coraline was directed by Henry Selick and created by Laika. But now the new Laika film ParaNorman is directed by a different director. His name is Sam fell and he directs the new film. I think that it's cool how different stop motion films are directed by different people and how they picture what the people look like are different then what other people picture them. It's confusing but the people that understand comment and tell me. Well I got to go. See ya tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. yes you are correct! there are many different people who create and direct stop motion features just like with other movies too :) stop motion is a type of animation, and many different people know how to do it. both Henry Selick and Tim Burton are currently directing stop motion films at new studios, so keep a look out for them!
